Wednesday, September 26, 2007

WIP Wednesday

Well, I was going to post some photos of what I've been working on, but I realized that the only WIPs I have right now are all gifts! And I, not being one to tempt fate, am not going to post photos of gifts, thus avoiding any potential surprise-ruining.
I have gotten some more done on my baby afghan that I'm making for a friend (whose daughter will soon be my goddaughter - my first!), which is good. She knows that's what I'm making her, so talking about it won't ruin the surprise, but she doesn't know any of the specifics - pattern, colour, etc. - so a photo is a no-go.
There's a point during the afghan-making process when progress seems to stop, even when work on said afghan is still happening. It's like some magical thing - you keep adding rows, but the afghan doesn't get any longer! I should be on track to have it finished by Oct 13th, though. If not, I'll be giving what I call a "mom gift", so named because my mom is famous for giving people half-finished, or almost-done handmade gifts (one sock, mitts with no thumbs, the list goes on).
I've decided, though, that I have to start working on the dreaded second sock. I made the first one in August, and cast on for the second one, but only got about an inch done before putting it aside to start on my Christmas gift list. I think I'm going to make it my stitch 'n bitch project. K2P2 ribbing should be mindless enough that I don't screw it up in the limited lighting of the pub we meet at! I promise I'll take a photo of the "second sock" once I start working on it again!
The First Sock (of the pair, and "ever"!):

I also want to thank all of you blogstalkers for your comments! I've tried replying back to some of you, but unless I can figure out which is your blog from the list of stalkers, I have to reply to you on my own blog (which means you may or may not realize I've replied to you). Apparently Blogger only really lets you reply to a comment if that person has a Blogger blog, in which case you have to comment on their blog. (Unless I'm missing something?)
I've also realized that although I'm enjoying having these themes (and deadlines) to post about, and I enjoy reading everyone else's posts, I'm running out of time to read everyone's posts in the week the topic was given! I'm going to get to everyone, but that might mean a blog-reading marathon once every few weeks. Just so you know...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice sock! Love the colours.