Friday, September 21, 2007

In honour of Yarn PrOn Fridays...

Even though I don't officially belong to Yarn PrOn Fridays, I thought I'd show you all what I bought on my impromptu vacation in Regina: handspun, Canadian wool! It's not that artsy a shot, but I think the wool speaks for itself. :)

I'm planning on making the leaf motif toque from the orange, although it's going to take some stitch count adjustments, because it's a sport weight, not worsted. It might take me a try or two!

In other news...fall is here. Summer is gone. :(

And look what I did last night!!

I'm re-knitting the thumbs, because I wore them out last year. (Thanks to the stitch 'n bitch girls for telling me about lifelines!!)


Speckel said...

The yarn is pretty; nice colors. And good for you on the mittens; what a great idea. I think I'm going to learn the afterthought heel to save my socks.

kemtee said...

I'm liking those colors. Together, even!