Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Progress on the Tree Jacket

I can't believe it, but I'm finally finished the body of my Tree Jacket!!!
I haven't updated it yet, but project details can be found on Ravelry...
I'm really liking the pattern (good thing, since it's almost done!), even how the yarn overs are going in a spiral pattern instead of straight down (some of the other KAL-ers have modified the yarn overs to make them go straight down). It makes the sweater unique!
I would have a photo, but I didn't finish until late last night, which meant that the lighting in my apartment was crap, and which also meant that I slept in this morning, thus not leaving me enough time to take a photo before having to leave for work. Photo tomorrow - promise!

I've also finished one more Christmas present!!
Behold Fetching 2:

(On Ravelry here)

One last thing to leave you with...

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