Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm going to Singapore!

I'm getting sent there for work, and since I only technically need to be there for 2 days, they're really encouraging me to go early, to help with the jet lag and to make sure that I'll be in top form when I get to the client site!
Which means that they're flying me into Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), where I'll stay and hang out with a friend for 4 days, before hopping over to Singapore. I'll have a day and a bit to myself in Singapore, spend 2 days with the client (and 2 evenings to myself), spend another day there writing the report and then fly back home again.
I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what with the weather we've had the past few days, we might even still have snow when I leave. Which will make going somewhere tropical that much more appealing! And if there is still snow, maybe, just maybe, it'll all have melted by the time I get back home.

Or maybe that's wishful thinking...

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