Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My first SP package finally came!

Man, the post office took it's sweet time in delivering this package! (And is taking even longer with another package I'm expecting, but that's another story.)

I got the first of 2 packages from my Summer Lovin' SP from the knitty boards!
I didn't even wait to get home before I opened it up, so I don't have any photos of the unopened package.
Here is what I got:

The backside of the note she (he?) wrote me (are the seashells a hint as to where she's from?):

Some super soft fibre samples:

Some handspun! What shall I make with this...something for me, for sure!!

And some samples of hand lotions, shampoo, conditioner and perfume!

I haven't used any of the lotion samples yet, but I think I'll save them for when I'm travelling. They're nice and small, and won't leak (unless, I guess, they get really squished...).
I have no idea if I'll ever do anything with the fibre samples - I just like having them to touch and rub in my fingers! (It's rather fitting that I grew up to be a knitter. My "thing" when I was a kid was lace: I'd use it as my "blankie", and rub it between my fingers. I really liked the texture, and I had a pretty big collection of lace bits!) I'm going to take the fibre samples to my Stitch n Bitch tonight and show them off to all the other girls. Mmmmmm...alpaca.

Thanks SP!

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